Your Story Matters: An Interview with Fashion Designer Kate Pierre
“Clothing is a tool we use everyday to create our own identity, which in turns shows what we represent and helps us to connect to our beliefs and to those around us.”
“Clothing is a tool we use everyday to create our own identity, which in turns shows what we represent and helps us to connect to our beliefs and to those around us.”
The only way you should be able to tell the year of a wedding photograph is by the dress style. I want my work to be art that stands the test of time.
- Michael Davis
Michael has not only a great eye for photography; he also is 5 steps ahead of what his clients need and he’s there with the save. He’ll go to any lengths to get the right shot. I’ve been there in person as he lay on the ground in a mosquito infested wetland so he could get the shot he wanted of a couple crossing a bridge. The man is dedicated!
Michael Davis and I worked together in 2018 to identify his unique approach in the wedding photography industry. If ever there was a saturated market, it is wedding photography, and Michael knew he needed to hone in on his special magic in the field. Through the Ground Truth process, we identified just that, then integrated that story into his website and instagram.
He sent me this beautiful note after I congratulated him on his feature:
I really can’t express enough how much working with you has transformed my philosophy and approach to photography. I just finished a branding workshop and, while there are still holes, I was able to effectively and efficiently communicate my why and my purpose!
My addendum to the above: Michael already had a philosophy and approach—he just need to identify what was already there and put it into words so he could more fully embody it and invite his clients into the magic.
Congratulations, Michael!
Photo by Michael Davis of me and my husband on our First Wedding Anniversary.
Everything is changing all the time and so how we make our art is constantly in shift—this is what Susan Russell helps us navigate in this dynamic conversation that took place on May 14th, 2020.
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