Soulful Community Builders: Meet Frank and Victoria
Frank and Victoria were at a turning point in their dance story in 2018. How would they build their dance career? What was the role of their parallel careers as a nurse and a chef? What defined them as teachers, performers, and artists?
Together, we identified their Ground Truth: building soulful communities. They began saying no to opportunities that didn’t allow them to fully offer their best. This meant saying no to invitations that weren’t willing to pay them enough to sustainably continue their work. They said YES to Pittsburgh and 1-1 coaching. Frank gradually let go of his hours as a chef to invest more as a teacher and take on more students. Victoria kept nursing as a focus, a true passion, and adjusted her role to allow her more presence and training as a dancer.
Then Covid happened. Dance disappeared. But soulful community building did not. They showed up for each other in big ways and cared for their extended family and loved ones. Victoria was bedside in some of the darkest moments of Covid and took on the risks associated with her job. Frank found new work in landscaping. They didn’t wait for the pandemic to be over to keep doing the work that mattered to them in a way that honored who they are.
As vaccinations became accessible, Frank and Victoria are able to make new decisions again. They moved to a new neighborhood and are constructing a dance studio in their basement where they can teach small groups safely and for the long term. They know their contribution is not about today but about investment and care across many seasons.
Enjoy Their Dancing!
Choreographed routine by Frank and Victoria.
Victoria wins the Sweet 16 Competition at Charlotte Westie Fest in 2018.
Frank wins Jack and Jill event (randomly drawn partners to unknown music) with Kristen Shaw.