Talks and workshops


Engage new thought and new speech for strong leadership through the power of precise language and expansive storytelling.


panels & Interviews



Leave your panel in the trusted hands of a Word Person (me!) who can synthesize the disparate threads of thought into a coherent, meaningful experience for panelists and attendees.


I live for a good conversation. Looking to join other experts in conversation around work, leadership, and culture.


Leaders & Communities LIKE YOU

I was invited by the Penn State chapter of the Graduate Women in Science to be a speaker for their annual conference in Spring 2021. They asked me to prepare an interactive, one-hour session on the theme of redefining community aimed for primarily graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members.

The primary organizer Alyssa Bienvenu, computational and theoretical chemist, shared this review:

Dana's session was inviting, informative, and thought provoking. Her presentation on naming your work and using stories to define yourself and your community was one of the most successful sessions of the conference.

Some of our conference attendees left comments specifically for Dana's session, including:

"This was my favorite part of the conference! Dana's session was fantastic, and I would love to have her back to lead a longer workshop next year."

"I loved experiencing the connections that we all have regardless of our backgrounds or ethnicity. The workshop moved me and was a positive experience."

Dana's participation in our conference was one of the highlights of the experience. I would highly recommend Dana as a communications specialist for any personal endeavor or event.